Obama Stars At The Honda’s Latest ASIMO


Bend it like Obama. The Commander-In-Chief was only in Japan for a state visit, with his fantastic trip took him to some science expo, where he played a little bit of soccer with Honda’s latest ASIMO robot. The entire scene was captured on video, and showed the innovative robot mainly because it kicked, hopped and ran a soccer ball to some bemused President Obama.

ASIMO had a number of upgrades ahead of its meeting with all the president, that have been originally shown off to the crowds with the 2014 New York Auto Show. These tweaks to the 110-pound robot included a number of alterations in both its lower and upper body to enhance speed, stability and balance. Although not shown in this video, Honda claims the lower-body upgrades allow ASIMO to climb faster and much more smoothly than previously. Its hands are more dexterous and expressive, as well, while new sensors give it a much better sense of touch.

Before ASIMO smoothly and effortlessly jogged all over the stage, the robot along with the President experienced a brief chat. According to The Wall Street Journal, Obama later told students at the Miraikan Science Expo in Tokyo that ASIMO and the other robots in the fair were a little scary. They were too lifelike.